So, not a particularly exciting month in Music. Despite actual effort on my part, Sigrid still tops the chart by a large margin. Tessa Violet comes in second. I actually watched both of these artists doing online live(ish) shows due to the Corona-virus. Though the Sigrid segment of the Twitch Stream event was pre recorded and not actually live. Tessa Violet has been doing some live shows on Youtube.

The soundtracks for Gris and Journey both make a return. They are both pretty similar in feel and are really great for “general distraction free listening”. Lindsey Sterling also falls into this category really.
In newer releases, Dua Lipa has released the full Future Nostalgia album and it’s pretty good. Good enough to already make it up into this monthly list. I’ve also been trying to give Taylor Swift’s Lover another go, though it just isn’t doing it for me.
Lastly, and kind of out of left field is the Gin Blossoms. The Gin Blossoms are performing in town in a few months and I was listening to them as a bit of a refresher to help decide if I wanted to try to get tickets. At this point, with all the COVID mess, the show will probably get cancelled anyway, but I opted for no, for now. I do enjoy Gin Blossoms, but at the moment, not enough to go to a show.
In general my music listening is down a bit as I’ve been listening to more Podcasts again. Mostly This Week in Tech, Windows Weekly, and WTF@TFW which finally started putting out episodes again.
Josh Miller aka “Ramen Junkie”. I write about my various hobbies here. Mostly coding, photography, and music. Sometimes I just write about life in general. I also post sometimes about toy collecting and video games at