Sometimes it Just Takes a Reset to Clean up Your Phone
I’m not sure what it is about mobile operating systems, they just don’t always clean up after themselves and seem to be awful about eating up their limited space sometimes. I can only assume that there is some sort of glitch and a large batch of updates or temporary files don’t get deleted properly. In Windows or Linux on “real” computer, It’s the sort of thing that I’d easily track down and delete on my own. Mobile operating systems tend to be locked down way more preventing users from poking around in the system files, or anywhere beyond the basic documents folders really.
A while ago, my wife kept having issues with her Kindle Fire tablet filling up with space. Even after cleaning off Photos and Videos, which she had quite a few of, there still was never quite enough space. It’s only 8gig to start with, which isn’t much, so choices for apps and such have to be carefully weighed. Eventually in frustration I did a factory reset and voila, problem solved. The “System” block went from close to 6 gig down to somewhere around 3-4 gig, considerably more manageable to be sure.
I had a similar experience on my Windows Phone recently as well. It kept filling up despite my effort to prune more and more apps. Eventually it stopped taking screen shots and it had tons of weird freeze ups. Once again, in desperation, I did a reset. Now it’s floating around 5 gig of space used (of 8 gig) and I’ve reloaded most of the apps I had previously needed to prune.
It also runs much more smoothly.
This isn’t a process to be taken lightly however. In my case, I keep most of my data backed up through One Drive or Amazon to my NAS, and Apps can easily be redownloaded (often automatically). Probably the biggest hurdle I had with my phone was dealing with my 2 Factor Authentication App. It doesn’t back up or sync since that would be a security issue, and I have a ton of services running through it. In many cases I simply changed the 2 Factor Auth to run through SMS instead of the App, in others it was easiest just to temporarily disable it.
This all needed to be done before hand. Many services won’t let you easily disable or change your 2 factor settings without the current codes, for good reason. If you wipe out your authenticator, you’ll have no way to get those codes. I had to deal with this first hand after the SD card I was using crapped out on me, taking my authenticator with it. In at least one case I had to call into support and talk to a person to recover my account.
My suggestion, from doing this some in the past with other devices, start making a list of Apps you want to reinstall. Then remove them. This lets you actively track if there is anything like an Authenticator that may need to be dealt with. After you can’t uninstall anymore apps, start checking whats left, photo galleries, Email, SMS, Call logs, checking for loose ends as you go.
It can be a pain but doing a factory refresh on an ailing space strained device can really help out to clear the cruft that seems to build up around the edges.
Josh Miller aka “Ramen Junkie”. I write about my various hobbies here. Mostly coding, photography, and music. Sometimes I just write about life in general. I also post sometimes about toy collecting and video games at
Self Driving Cars
Every so often, I’ve seen the “ethical dilemma” of Self Driving cars come up for debate. Specifically, the scenario goes something like this:
A self driving car is approaching a crowd of children, it can veer off a cliff and kill the occupants, saving the children, what choice does it make? Who is responsible for the deaths?”
Its a dilemma to be sure, but it’s also completely absurd and effectively a non issue, which is an angle no one seems to really look at or realize. This specific scenario is completely absurd because, why are a bunch of children blocking a road on the side of a cliff to begin with? It can be toned down to be a bit more realistic of course, what if it’s a blind corner, maybe the children are just on a street and it’s just a crowd of people and not children. The children are just there to appeal to your emotional “Think of the children!!” need anyway. Maybe the alternative is to smash into a building at 60 mph after turning this blind corner into the crowd of people.
No wait, why was the car screwing around any corner where people may be at 60mph? That’s highway speeds, there’s a reason we have different speed limits after all, open view open areas like highways are faster because we can see farther down the road and we have more room to swerve into other lanes or the shoulder and not into buildings or random crowds of people.
Exceeding the speed limit like that is a human problem, not a robot problem.
So, maybe the car is obeying the speed limit, maybe the brakes have suddenly, inexplicably, failed, and the car simply can’t stop…
No wait, that doesn’t work either. Brakes generally don’t just “fail”. A robot car will be loaded with sensors, it will know the instant the brakes display even a little bit of an issue and probably drive off to have itself serviced. Or at the very least it will alert the driver of the problem and when it reaches a critical stage, simply refuse to start or operate until fixed. Should have taken it into the shop, that on demand last minute fix service call will probably cost you three times as much while you are late to work.
Looks like ignoring warning signs of trouble is also a human problem, not a robot problem.
So what if there simply isn’t time to react properly because it’s a “blind corner”? Maybe some idiot is hiding behind a mailbox or tree waiting to jump out in front of your self driving car. Except this is still more of a human problem than a robot problem.
All of these self driving robot cars, are all going to talk to each other. You car will know about every crowd of people in a twenty mile radius because all of the other cars will be talking to it and saying things like “Yo dawg, main street’s closed, there’s a parade of nuns and children there,” and the car will simply plan a different route.
They will even tell each other about that suicidal fool hiding behind the tree.
Maybe your car is alone, in the dark in a deserted area. First, it’s a robot, it doesn’t care about the darkness, if there isn’t some infrared scanner attached telling it there is someone hiding somewhere, it’s going to still see the obstruction. It will be able to know “How fast could a dog or a person jump out from behind that thing, how wide should I swing around it, how slow should I pass by it.”
It knows, because this is all it does.
Speaking of dogs, or possums, or deers, this also becomes a non issue. The car will be able to see everything around it, in the dark, because it can “see” better than any human. It also constantly sees everything in a 360 degree view. The self driving robot car will never get distracted rubber necking at an accident, it will never be distracted by that “hot chick” walking along the side of the street, it will never road range because some other robot car cut it off (which won’t happen anyway).
It just drives.
And it will do it exceptionally well.
And even if our crazy scenario comes true, even if a self driving car has a freak accident and kills a buss full fo children every year or really every month, it will still kill fewer people than humans kill while driving.
So feel free to waste time debating which deserves to die, the driver or the pack of people, or debate who is responsible, you may as well ask who will be responsible for cleaning up all the poop cars make when they replace the horse and buggy.
Josh Miller aka “Ramen Junkie”. I write about my various hobbies here. Mostly coding, photography, and music. Sometimes I just write about life in general. I also post sometimes about toy collecting and video games at