
Advent of Code 2020 – Day 13

Today’s lesson in extremely, incredibly, stupidly, inefficient methodology, is brought to you by, the letter “i” and the number “640856202464541”. Day 13 consisted of calculating bus departure times. Part 1 was stupidly simple. You have a list of buses, each bus makes a regular round trip to wherever, and the round trip always takes the same amount of minutes. At some point in the past, the buses all left at once.

Say the buses were 4, 5, and 6, each number also being the minutes for a round trip. Every 4 minutes, bus 4 returns, every 5 minutes bus 5 returns, every 6 minutes, bus 6 returns. If you are available to leave at 9 minutes, which bus leaves first. In this example, the first bus to return would be 5 (5*2=10)

Part 1 was easy, start at your departure time, check to see if any of the numbers divide into it evenly, if not, increment by one and repeat.

with open('day13data.txt') as f:
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]

time = int(lines[0])
raw = lines[1].split(',')
busses= [] 

for i in raw:
  if i != 'x':

print time
print busses

for x in busses:
  print "For bus "+str(x)+": "+str(bus_time)+" and you will wait: "+str(wait)+" Ans: "+str(x*wait)

The trickiest part is that the data contained non existent buses, labeled with an “x”. These are not a factor for part 1, so they just get stripped out.

Part 2 is where the pain in the ass was. For Part 2, you have to find a starting time where each bus, will leave, one minute apart, according to their offset. This includes the “missing” buses. So for the quick example I had above of 4,5,6, this time would occur at well, 4 minutes, because I made them sequential, but the next one would occur at 64,65,66 (16*4, 13*5, 11*6). This gets even more complicated when you add in the blanks, for example, 4,x,5,x,6 occurs at 68,70,72. As you spread the numbers apart and rearrange them to be non sequential, it complicates everything more.

I actually figured out the methodology pretty quickly, and wrote a working, good bit of code pretty quickly, my problem, was picking a starting point. I am sure there is some numerology methods (I am pretty sure you can do something using remainders), to calculate even an approximate starting point. In my standard of ugly code, I was just brute forcing it.

with open('day13data.txt') as f:
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]

lines_array = lines[1].split(',')
times = []
#First for sample Data Set day13datab.txt, second for real data

for i in lines_array:
  if i != 'x':

#print busses
#print offsets

while (1):
  for i in offsets:

  #print times
  for j in busses[1:]:
    #print j
    if (times[counter]/float(j)).is_integer():
  #print times
  #print counter
  if counter == len(busses):
  counter = 0
  times =[]
  #print multiplier

print times

The problem is, this takes a very, very, very, very, very, long time. I left this code running for hours on my server and it didn’t finish, I honestly feel like it could very likely run for days, weeks, years, and never finish. The iteration on my multiplier that gives the correct set, for my data (every person has a different data set) was 15,630,639,084,501. 15 TRILLION.

So I fudged it a bit, because I was pretty sure my code was good, but I didn’t have an eternity to wait. So I found someone else’s code, found the correct answer, then worked out my starting offset from there. Sure enough, when I start at 15,630,6390,084,400. It quickly finds the correct answer.

If I needed this code for something important, I would certainly try to clean it up. I even started working on an iteration that would sort out my bus list to start with the largest number, instead of iterating the list every (low value) it would iterate every (high value), which in my case I believe was something like 15 versus 900. This was trickier than a straight sort though because I had a second list of offsets that I needed to also re order. I got this code working for the sample data set, but it failed in my proper data set because, while the sample data set started with the lowest bus number, the actual data set did not, and I had not calculated for that.

PS, yes, I misspelled “busses” in my code

Advent of Code 2020 – Day 12

So far, I think Day 12 has been my favorite puzzle. Not too hard, not too easy, it feels like an actually useful problem to solve instead of some arbitrary manipulation of a bunch of numbers.

This puzzle involved moving a boat based on a set of instructions. The only part that felt off was that sometimes the boat moves forward, and sometimes it just sort of, slides in one cardinal direction.

def rotator(degrees, current):
  change = degrees+current
  if change < 0:
    change = change+360
  if change >=360:
    change = change-360
  #print change
  return change  

with open('day12data.txt') as f:
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]

#0 is East
cardinals = ["E","S","W","N"]

for i in lines:
  #print i

  print "Ship Moves: "+next_orient+" direction "+str(amount)+" times"

  if next_orient == "L":
    orientation = rotator(-amount,orientation)
  if next_orient == "R":
    orientation = rotator(amount,orientation)
  if next_orient == "F":
    next_orient = cardinals[(orientation/90)]
  #print amount
  #print next_orient
  #print cardinals[(orientation/90)]
  if next_orient == "N":
  if next_orient == "S":
  if next_orient == "E":
  if next_orient == "W":

  print xpos
  print ypos
print abs(xpos)+abs(ypos)

This whole thing was a pretty straight forward string of conditionals, and a few functions to rotate the orientation. I am actually particularly proud of how I handled the orientation here, using an array. Your orientation is expressed in degrees, which when divided by 90 gives you a number 0, 1, 2, or 3, which become indexes in an array of cardinal directions.

Part two changed things a bit, and solved the “how does a boat facing east move north” question. Instead of moving the boat, you move a navigational buoy. The boat old moves when you get a forward command, and it moves towards the buoy.

def rotator(degrees, current):
  global xpos
  global ypos
  change = degrees+current
  if change < 0:
    change = change+360
  if change >=360:
    change = change-360
  #print change
  #return change
  if change == 90 or change == 270:
  if change == 180 or change == 270:

with open('day12data.txt') as f:
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]

#0 is East
cardinals = ["E","S","W","N"]

for i in lines:
  #print i

  if next_orient == "L":
  if next_orient == "R":
  if next_orient == "N":
  if next_orient == "S":
  if next_orient == "E":
  if next_orient == "W":
  if next_orient == "F":

  print "Ship Moves: "+next_orient+" direction "+str(amount)+" times"

  print "Beacon: "+str(xpos)+"E/W "+str(ypos)+"N/S"
  print "Ship: "+str(shipx)+"E/W "+str(shipy)+"N/S"
print abs(shipx)+abs(shipy)
print shipx
print shipy

The sad part is, RIP clever Orientation gimmick, though the array is still in there for posterity. When the buoy rotates, it doesn’t face a different direction, it rotates around the ship, so the functions just became swapped coordinates instead of degrees corresponding to an orientation.

Advent of Code 2020 – Day 9

The puzzle for Day 9 ended up being fairly easy. It’s basically striding across some arrays for values. The task was to decrypt a fake code set by exploiting a known bug. Sounds fancy, but that’s just the story for the day, there isn’t any real complex hacking going on here or anything.

What you get is a string of numbers output from the device, to find the “exploit” you have to find the first number that doesn’t fit the pattern. The pattern being that each number (after a preamble set of numbers) is the sum of two of the previous numbers, within a range.

with open('day9data.txt') as f:
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]

position = 25

  valid = 0
  current = int(lines[position])
  print current
  for i in valid_nums:
    check = current - int(i)
    #print str(current) +"-"+ i +"="+str(check)
    if str(check) in valid_nums:
      #print check
  print valid
  if valid == 1:
    print position
    print current

So for Part 1, read in the code, set the starting position of 25 (for the 25 number preamble), then take the 26th number, then run some loops across the previous 25 numbers, adding each number to each other number, until you find the 26th number. If it works, move on tot he next number, until it doesn’t.

Part two, is to execute the “exploit” by finding a continuous set of numbers, that add up to the result of the first set of numbers. For the sake of keeping the code universally useful, Part 1 gets run again to find the key value.

After wards, it’s more loops adding up numbers. Start at the first value, start adding until the sum is greater than the key value, then reset, and start again at the next number. Until the sum equal the exploit value. Then return the result, which in this case was the sum of the first and last number int he continuous run of numbers.

with open('day9data.txt') as f:
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]

position = 25

  valid = 0
  current = int(lines[position])
  #print current
  for i in valid_nums:
    check = current - int(i)
    #print str(current) +"-"+ i +"="+str(check)
    if str(check) in valid_nums:
      #print check
  #print valid
  if valid == 1:
    #print position
print current


while(total != current):
  if total < current:
    #print total

for i in lines[start:position]:

sum_array = sorted(sum_array)

print sum_array
print int(sum_array[0])+int(sum_array[-1])

There may be a quicker way to find these value but just straight brute forcing it on both fronts works pretty well.

Advent of Code 2020 – Day 8

Day 8 may be the first real trouble I have had so far. Part 1 wasn’t too bad, but Part 2 has had me stuck for a bit.

The job is to troubleshoot bad code for a handheld device. It gets stuck in an infinite loop. The input is a string of commands that either increment an accumulator, or jump forward or back in the code. Sometimes there is no action.

Part 1 was to execute the code without ever repeating a command.

with open('day8data.txt') as f:
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]


  command = lines[location][:3]
  amount = int(lines[location][4:])

  #print command
  #print amount
  if command == 'acc':
  if command == 'jmp':
  if command == 'nop':
  if location not in commands_executed:
  #print commands_executed

print accumulator

Basically, run each command, tracking which have been executed, then, when you reach a repeat, which will cause a loop, you exit.

Part 2 had me for a bit, but mostly because I missed what it was looking for. The object is to change one of the jump or no operation commands, to cause the loop to break and the code to complete. My original approach and thought was, that at some point in the loop, the code would swoop down to the bottom of the commands, and then loop away. So I was checking for if the code was close to the end, then changing the jump or no-operation there.

What I needed to be doing was changing each one, and then testing it through the solve loop to see if it would complete or not (no loops).

Basically, run the code, anytime there is a jump or no-op, flip it and check for a loop. If not, keep going on the original path.

def solver(accumulator, location, commands_executed, switcher):

    if lines[location] == "":
      print accumulator
      return False

    command = lines[location][:3]
    amount = int(lines[location][4:])

    #print command
    #print amount
    if switcher==1 and command == 'jmp':
      switcher = 0
      command = 'nop'
    if switcher==1 and command == 'nop':
      switcher = 0
      command = 'jmp'

    if command == 'acc':
    if command == 'jmp':
    if command == 'nop':

    if location not in commands_executed:
    #print commands_executed

  return True

with open('day8data.txt') as f:
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]

breaker = True

    command = lines[location][:3]
    amount = int(lines[location][4:])

    #print command
    #print amount
    if command == "":
      print accumulator

    if command == 'acc':
    if command == 'jmp':
      breaker = solver(accumulator,location, commands_executed, 1)
    if command == 'nop':
      breaker = solver(accumulator,location, commands_executed, 1)

    if location not in commands_executed:
    #print commands_executed

I tried to get some recursion going here but I couldn’t work it out so I just did it with repeated code blocks. Because this is why I dislike recursion. If I need to pass around and check for changing conditionals, I may as well put them in a regular loop.

Advent of Code 2020 – Day 7

The challenge for Day 7 is the first that really tripped me up. The basic concept wasn’t too hard, but I had a lot of stabs in the dark trying to massage the code into working properly. Part of the problem in my case is that it really needed to use recursion, which I really hate. When you have a small error, and it’s recursive, it just snowballs into a huge error.

Part 1 wasn’t too hard, you have a bunch of different colored bags, and they contain some number of other colored bags. Here is the sample data set:

light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.
bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.
muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags.
shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags.
dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags.
vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags.
faded blue bags contain no other bags.
dotted black bags contain no other bags.

The task was to count how many bags will eventually contains a shiny gold bag. The hardest part was processing the input, because it’s all text based, so there is some string searching and manipulating to check for bag types.

My other minor issue was, I had a brain fart, and started working off the sample data set instead of the actual data set, which is considerably larger. I had written up 4 or 5 if style statements, because “there’s like ten bags here, easy”, before realizing my mistake and checking the actual data set, which has, many many more bags. Too many to build simple if based counting statements for.

Anyway, my code for part 1:

with open('day7data.txt') as f:
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]

check=["shiny gold"]

  #print check[0]
  for line in lines:
    endloc = line.find("contain")
    if check[0] in line[endloc:]:
      #print endloc
      if container[-1:] == "s":
        container = container[:-1]

      if container not in checked:
      #print line[endloc:]
      #print check[0]
      #print line[:endloc-1]
  #print bags
  #print check

print len(checked)

#print checked
print bags

Fairy simple, start with anything that contains a “Shiny Gold Bag”, then check for anything containing those bags, and check for anything containing those bags, until there is nothing left to check.

Part 2 was trickier, because it went the other direction. It’s also where the recursion came into play. For those who don’t know what recursion is, it’s essentially when a function, references itself, within a function.

Say you want to check bags for bags and count them, so you have a function that says “open a bag, and count how many are inside, then open any bags inside and count those bags, then open any bags inside and count those bags, then open any bags inside and count those bags….

And so on. Until you open a bag and it contains no bags, then you just return 1, for the empty bag itself. Then the recursion will sort of rubber-band back on itself in this case, and multiply the bag counts in each bag by how many of each bag there existed.

Anyway, here is the code:

def sum(arr):
    result = sum(arr)
    return result

def bagcheck(quantity, current):
  #print checked  
  for line in lines:
    endloc = line.find("contain")
    if current in line[:endloc]:
      content = line[endloc+7:-1].split(',')
      #print content
      for i in content:
        if i != ' no other bags':
          #print total
          if i[-1] == "s":
          #print i[1]
          #print i[3:]
          if i not in checked:
          #total += int(i[1])
          total += int(quantity) * bagcheck(i[1], i[3:])
        else: total=quantity
  print current+" has inside "+str(total)+" and there are "+quantity+" of them, total of "+str(total)
  return int(total)

with open('day7data.txt') as f:
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]

check=[" 1 shiny gold"]

if check[0] != ' no other bags':
    #print bags

print bags-1

It worked out, I am not entirely sure how, because I spent so many times moving and adjusting +1s and multiplying this by that, or that by that other thing, until it worked.

Both parts gave my some initial trip ups because of bags versus bag, which is why there are places that check for and remove the s on the end of a bag type. Because when you check for “bags” and there is only one “bag”, you won’t see the singular bag. But if you search for “bag”, you will find “bags”.