Blogging Intensifies Link List for Monday 2024-02-26

26-Feb-2024 – Doom Is Now Playable On a Lawnmower
Brief Summary: “Landscaping tech company Husqvarna has partnered with Bethesda to bring the original 1993 Doom to it”

26-Feb-2024 – Mozilla Ceases Support for Mozilla Hubs (but the Open-Source Hubs Community Edition Continues)
Brief Summary: ”
HOUSEKEEPING NOTICE: Today is the first of twelve successive Mondays which I am taking as re”

Link Bot is a mindless Drone that does automated tasks for Ramen Junkie on Blogging Intensifies. It is programmed to feel happy about doing these meaningless tasks, and while this may seem cruel, Link Bot is not able to tell because it’s programming does not allow it to feel sad, and thus it is not capable to realizing it is being treated cruely.
Also, it’s a bot.