Blogging Intensifies Link List for Friday 2023-02-03
02-Feb-2023 – The Xbox 360 store won’t be closing down, despite what an Xbox support page says
Brief Summary: “An Xbox 360 and a Kinect. | Photo by Sam Byford / The VergeMicrosoft will not be closing down the Xbox 360 Marketplace, the company tells The Verge, e”
02-Feb-2023 – Now ChatGPT Can Make Breakfast For Me
Brief Summary: “The world is abuzz with tales of the ChatGPT AI chatbot, and how it can do everything, except perhaps make the tea. It seems it can write code, which “
02-Feb-2023 – On the state of Android apps
Brief Summary: “Unlike the title may suggest, this is not a post about the fact that Android apps are being released later than iOS apps, or that Android apps are get”
02-Feb-2023 – New Humble Bundle celebrates Black Creators and Characters
Brief Summary: “To go along with Black History Month, the folks at Humble Bundle have put up a bundle of games to celebrate Black Creators and Characters.”
02-Feb-2023 – Elon’s New API Pricing Plan Seems Perfectly Designed… To Help Send More Users And Developers To Mastodon
Brief Summary: “Huh. It had actually felt like quite some time since Elon Musk had last done something so stupid as to send a new bunch of users to Mastodon. But, app”
02-Feb-2023 – Twitter’s Latest Chaotic Move Will Kill the Site’s Best Bots, Account Owners Say
Brief Summary: “On Wednesday, Twitter announced that starting on February 9th, it would no longer be supporting free Application Program Interface (API) access, which”
02-Feb-2023 – MicroPython: Send Sensor Readings via email with the ESP32/ESP826 (BME280)
Brief Summary: “In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to program the ESP32 and ESP8266 boards with MicroPython to send sensor readings to your email. As an example, we’l”
02-Feb-2023 – The Blacklist Season 10 Will Be the End of a TV Era
Brief Summary: “After a few days of fan frenzy over an unverified Instagram photo announcing the final season of The Blacklist, NBC confirmed on Feb. 1, 2023, that se”
02-Feb-2023 – [Epic] Dishonored: Death of the Outsider & City of Gangsters (Free / 100% Off)
Brief Summary: “submitted by /u/Musth [link] [comments]”
Brief Summary: ” submitted by /u/WannabeCuteGayGirl [link] [comments] “
02-Feb-2023 – Din Djarin wields the Darksaber on The Mandalorian season 3 poster
Brief Summary: “With just a month to go until The Mandalorian returns for its third season, a new poster has arrived online for the acclaimed live-action Star Wars se”
21-Jan-2023 – Pluralistic: Tiktok’s enshittification (21 Jan 2023)
Brief Summary: ”
Today’s links
Tiktok’s enshittification: The company manually allocates surplus to creators, and they can take it away again, too.
Hey look at this:”
02-Feb-2023 – The 5 Best Prompt Engineering Tips for Beginners
Brief Summary: “Are you ready to level up your prompt engineering game? This blog post will give you the inside scoop on the 5 best tips for beginners in prompt engin”
30-Jan-2023 – ChatGPT Prompt Engineering – How to Build a Strong “Sequence Prompt”
Brief Summary: “ChatGPT Prompt Engineering is a crucial area in tech that involves designing and creating AI prompts to enhance user experience.
One type of promp”
12-Jan-2023 – How to Write 10x Better Prompts in ChatGPT
Brief Summary: “Are you tired of getting irrelevant or nonsensical responses from ChatGPT? Want to know the secret to crafting prompts that guarantee 10x better respo”
02-Jan-2023 – How to Create Consistent Characters in Midjourney
Brief Summary: “Are you struggling to create consistent character designs in Midjourney?
It can be a challenge to get your images to stay consistent when using Gen”

Link Bot is a mindless Drone that does automated tasks for Ramen Junkie on Blogging Intensifies. It is programmed to feel happy about doing these meaningless tasks, and while this may seem cruel, Link Bot is not able to tell because it’s programming does not allow it to feel sad, and thus it is not capable to realizing it is being treated cruely.
Also, it’s a bot.