Ramen Junkie

Goodbye to Flicker… Thanks for 12 years of Service

So, I used to be a huge user of Flickr for photos, I would check it daily and comment and join communities and pretty much posted every photo I had taken there. I used to use flicker a lot and look for the best life insurance for all.   Over time I sort of fell out of the habit of using it.  This wasn’t over Instagram or anything, I didn’t join Instagram until much later, something just sort of became less compelling about it.  I still kept up my subscription though.  The annual $25 fee is pretty small and it let me keep a backup of all of my photos.  I even posted all of my family photos there though they are listed as private.  I’m talking some tens of thousands of photos, though my profile suggests only around 3500 are publicly available.

I feel like things started to take a turn downhill when Yahoo changed the way Flickr accounts worked.  I wasn’t really affected, being a paid user and all, but it seems like the addition of ads and whatnot for free users kind of helped kill some of the community.  This wasn’t helped by Instagram coming up in popularity, even if i hadn’t started using IG, others had, which only further hurt the community.  Having been a paid user since 2006. I was able to keep paying for my account at the grandfathered rate of $25/year.

Recently Flickr was bought by SmugMug.  I don’t use SmugMug, though I don’t really have anything against them.  Hell, Yahoo has pretty much been ignoring Flickr for a while, SmugMug can only improve it.

Or possibly not.

It’s been recently announced that free accounts will be limited to 1000 photos max, and that any photos over that number will be deleted.  This is definitely a rough change from previous, which I believe was 1TB of storage.  This wouldn’t affect me, as a paid user, except that Flickr has stopped honoring the old grandfathered subscription rate.  Renewals now renew at current rates, which I believe is $50/year.  This isn’t a lot, I admit, but frankly, as little as I use Flickr, it feels like too much.  I also feel that for the same price, I could buy into something like One Drive or Google Drive and get a lot more functionality out of the storage, in addition to Photo storage.

Granted, not everyone uses Yahoo as a photo backup, some people use it for business, and for the community, which is fine.  In my case, the new plans just don’t work.  So I find I must say good bye to Flickr, for the most part.  I’ve started deleting out the old backup photos.  Once that’s done, I’ll prune out the rest to under 1000 photos.  I haven’s actually use Flickr for backup for a few years now, so it’s not even current anyway.  Pretty much the only thing posted there new is just a mirror of my Instagram anyway.  It kind of feels bad to clear everything out, but sometimes it’s just better to move on.  I’m just sad to see something I used to really enjoy, fall away.

A Netflix Wishlist of Features

Netflix is pretty great but it really could use a lot of streamlining for it’s interface and library.  Multiple Profiles at least help with recommendations across a family but it’s really not enough.

For starters, related to that family aspect.

I’ve Already Watched This

At least in my house, I’ve set up profiles for my kids and one for the house.  Often when we watch things all together, we just use the house profile, but it would be great if I could mark something as watched on my own profile.  To get related recommendations based on having watched that movie, along with my other viewing habits.

Somewhat related, I really wish that Netflix would stop trying to show me shows and movies I have watched.  I don’t need a “watch it again”, I can’t even keep up with what I want to watch.  This also leads into the idea of

Don’t Show Me This

There is a lot lot lot of stuff that shows up as suggested that I will never watch.  I really wish I could filter this stuff permanently from the viewing list.  It would really help with finding things that I actually DO want to watch.  Often these things just get added to a list for later viewing anyway, but partially because it’s the only good way to even remember it was there int he first place.  Speaking of lists, I would love…

Multiple, Custom Lists

Watch Later is great.  How about the ability to make more of these lists.  TV to Watch later, Movies to watch later, Comic Movies and Shows, that sort of thing.  So I can better keep track of what I want to watch and maybe tailor it a bit to better match what kind of thing I am int he mood to watch at any particular time.

Somewhat related, My list, and Continue watching, really need to always be on top.  Especially for shows, most of the time, I just want to keep watching the show I was watching.  Many time I log in only to find my “Continue Watching” list is gone.  Somewhat related to the last point, if I start watching something, and decide it’s crap, let me manually remove it from the Continue Watching list.  Finally…

Leaving Soon

Netflix is constantly adding and dropping stuff.  Maybe have one of those little categories, similar to what’s new, only instead it’s what’s leaving.  Put things on there fairly far out for shows, maybe less so for movies.  Maybe just do a generic month out.  Maybe I will discover something I didn’t know was on there, or a show I was meaning to watch, that will be gone in a month.  So I can actually get to watching it.

2017 Reading List

Spider-Gwen, Vol. 2: Weapon of Choice

Spider-Gwen, Vol. 2: Weapon of Choice

Jason Latour

Published: 2016 | Pages:112


Spider-Gwen, Vol. 1: Greater Power

Spider-Gwen, Vol. 1: Greater Power

Jason Latour

Published: 2016 | Pages:136


Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal

Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal

G. Willow Wilson

Published: 2014 | Pages:120


Runaways, Vol. 2: Teenage Wasteland

Runaways, Vol. 2: Teenage Wasteland

Brian K. Vaughan

Published: 2006 | Pages:144




Neal Stephenson

Published: 2015 | Pages:872

Description: A catastrophic event renders the earth a ticking time bomb. In a feverish race against the inevitable, nations around the globe band together to devise an ambitious plan to ensure the survival of humanity far beyond our atmosphere, in outer space.But the complexities and unpredictability of human nature coupled with unforeseen challenges and dangers threaten the intrepid pioneers, until only a handful of survivors remain . . .Five thousand years later, their progeny—seven distinct races now three billion strong—embark on yet another audacious journey into the unknown . . . to an alien world utterly transformed by cataclysm and time: Earth.A writer of dazzling genius and imaginative vision, Neal Stephenson combines science, philosophy, technology, psychology, and literature in a magnificent work of speculative fiction that offers a portrait of a future that is both extraordinary and eerily recognizable. As he did in Anathem, Cryptonomicon, the Baroque Cycle, and Reamde, Stephenson explores some of our biggest ideas and perplexing challenges in a breathtaking saga that is daring, engrossing, and altogether brilliant.

Change Agent

Change Agent

Daniel Suarez

Published: 2017 | Pages:416

Description: New York Times bestselling author Daniel Suarez delivers an exhilarating sci-fi thriller exploring a potential future where CRISPR genetic editing allows the human species to control evolution itself.On a crowded train platform, Interpol agent Kenneth Durand feels the sting of a needle— and his transformation begins. . . .    In 2045 Kenneth Durand leads Interpol’s most effective team against genetic crime, hunting down black market labs that perform “vanity edits” on human embryos for a price. These illegal procedures augment embryos in ways that are rapidly accelerating human evolution—preying on human-trafficking victims to experiment and advance their technology.   With the worlds of genetic crime and human trafficking converging, Durand and his fellow Interpol agents discover that one figure looms behind it all: Marcus Demang Wyckes, leader of a powerful and sophisticated cartel known as the Huli jing.   But the Huli jing have identified Durand, too. After being forcibly dosed with a radical new change agent, Durand wakes from a coma weeks later to find he’s been genetically transformed into someone else—his most wanted suspect: Wyckes.   Now a fugitive, pursued through the genetic underworld by his former colleagues and the police, Durand is determined to restore his original DNA by locating the source of the mysterious—and highly valuable—change agent. But Durand hasn’t anticipated just how difficult locating his enemy will be. With the technology to genetically edit the living, Wyckes and his Huli jing could be anyone and everyone—and they have plans to undermine identity itself.

Secret Warriors, Volume 3: Wake the Beast

Secret Warriors, Volume 3: Wake the Beast

Jonathan Hickman

Published: 2010 | Pages:144

Description: Collecting: Secret Warriors 11-16

Deadly Heat (Nikki Heat, #5)

Deadly Heat (Nikki Heat, #5)

Richard Castle

Published: 2013 | Pages:403

Description: Complicating Heat’s mission to bring the rogue spy to justice and thwart the looming terror event, a serial killer begins menacing the Twentieth Precinct and her homicide squad is under pressure to stop him, and soon. The frightening murderer, known for his chilling stealth, not only has singled out Nikki as the exclusive recipient of his taunting messages, he then boldly names his next victim: Detective Heat.

Secret Warriors, Volume 5: Night

Secret Warriors, Volume 5: Night

Jonathan Hickman

Published: 2011 | Pages:112

Description: The Last Ride of the Howling Commandos, an even more determined Nick Fury sets his endgame in motion. Join us as Jonathan Hickman begins to bring all his mad plans to fruition and we rocket towards the jaw-dropping conclusion of what ComicBookResources.com calls “a great, anything-goes series!”Collecting: Secret Warriors 20-23

Secret Warriors, Volume 6: Wheels Within Wheels

Secret Warriors, Volume 6: Wheels Within Wheels

Jonathan Hickman

Published: 2011 | Pages:112

Description: Wheels within Wheels.Collecting: Secret Warriors 24-28

Secret Warriors, Volume 4: Last Ride of the Howling Commandos

Secret Warriors, Volume 4: Last Ride of the Howling Commandos

Jonathan Hickman

Published: 2010 | Pages:112

Description: ComicBookRecources.com raves that Secret Warriors is “a surprisingly tense and engrossing black-ops story”.Collecting: Secret Warriors 17-19, Siege: Secret Warriors

Secret Wars

Secret Wars

Jonathan Hickman

Published: 2016 | Pages:312

Description: Collecting: Secret Wars 1-9 & materiel from FCBD 2015: Secret Wars 0

Batgirl, Volume 2: Family Business

Batgirl, Volume 2: Family Business

Cameron Stewart

Published: 2016 | Pages:176

Description: All-star creative team Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher and Babs Tarr continue their fan-favorite run in BATGIRL: FAMILY BUSINESS, featuring guest-appearances by Dick Grayson, Batwoman, Spoiler, the students of Gotham Academy and more!Over the past few months, Barbara Gordon has made some big changes to her Batgirl alter ego. She has a new look, new support team and new home base in Burnside—Gotham’s trendiest neighborhood. But just when she’s hitting her stride, her father drops a bombshell: Babs isn’t the only masked crime-fighter in the family anymore. Jim Gordon is the new Batman.After the original Batman fell fighting the Joker, the former police commissioner was given a high-tech super-suit and asked to take up the mantle. With a team of G.C.P.D. officers watching his every move, Jim Gordon’s new law-and-order Batman has zero tolerance for vigilantism. He’s been ordered to arrest any unsanctioned superhero in Gotham—and Batgirl is next!Collecting: Batgirl #41-45, Annual #3 and DC Sneak Peek: Batgirl #1.

Batgirl, Volume 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Batgirl, Volume 1: Batgirl of Burnside

Cameron Stewart

Published: 2015 | Pages:176

Description: But she barely slips on her new DIY costume before Batgirl starts trending as Gotham’s first viral vigilante — and attracting a new wave of enemies who want her social-media spotlight for themselves. Meanwhile, the girl beneath the gear’s got a whole new crew of friends, college classes that are kicking her Bat-butt and a dating scene that can make anyone want to swipe left on life. This bat’s done living in the shadows. But will the bright lights of Burnside burn her for good?Collects: Batgirl #35-40 and a story from Secret Origins #10.