November 2024
Sunday 2024-11-10 – Link List
Blogging Intensifies Link List for Sunday 2024-11-10

10-Nov-2024 – ‘I hate lying to her’: US couples on voting against their partners’ candidates
Brief Summary: “Americans recount political clashes inside the home and how they get past it – or don’tIn the 2024 e”

Brief Summary: ”
Security Affairs Malware newsletter includes a collection of the best articles and research on malw”

10-Nov-2024 – Security Affairs newsletter Round 497 by Pierluigi Paganini – INTERNATIONAL EDITION
Brief Summary: ”
A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles”

09-Nov-2024 – Brick Layers: the Promise of Stronger 3D Prints and Why We Cannot Have Nice Things
Brief Summary: “It is a fact of life that 3D-printed parts from an FDM (fused deposition modeling) printer have weak”

09-Nov-2024 – Here’s Code for that AI-Generated Minecraft Clone
Brief Summary: “A little while ago Oasis was showcased on social media, billing itself as the world’s first playable”

09-Nov-2024 – Microsoft adds AI to Notepad — yes, Notepad. And Paint.
Brief Summary: “Notepad is the Windows operating system RichEdit widget as an application. The whole point is to be “

09-Nov-2024 – Exploring the Physics Behind Cooling Towers
Brief Summary: “A characteristic of any thermal power plant — whether using coal, gas or spicy nuclear rocks — is th”

09-Nov-2024 – For transgender Americans, Trump’s win after a campaign targeting them is terrifying
Brief Summary: “LOS ANGELES — Avery Poznanski was excited for a new chapter.
The nonbinary transgender senior at UC”

09-Nov-2024 – Retrotechtacular: Computer-Generate Video 1968 Style!
Brief Summary: “[Classic Microcomputers] read in a book that there was a computer-generated film made in the late 19”

08-Nov-2024 – ‘Going to pay a lot more’: Here’s how Trump’s deportations will lead to huge tax increases
Brief Summary: “President-elect Donald Trump ran on deporting millions of undocumented immigrants if he won a second”

07-Nov-2024 – What now?
Brief Summary: “I successfully avoided publishing an ill considered and profane rant here on Wednesday. I’ll take th”

08-Nov-2024 – Fifth Circuit: You Have To Do A Ton Of Busywork To Show Texas’s Social Media Law Violates The First Amendment
Brief Summary: “If the government passes a law that infringes on the public’s free speech rights, how should one cha”

10-Jun-2023 – The Adventures of Writing a CHIP8 Emulator – Part 2
Brief Summary: “In my last installment of “How to continually stub your toe with C”… Uhhh, I mean, The Adventures “

03-Jun-2023 – The Adventures of Writing a CHIP8 Emulator – Part 1
Brief Summary: “A few days ago I decided to write a CHIP8 emulator. Why? Because it’s fun! As for a programming lang”

08-Nov-2024 – A Slow, Crooked Path Forward, Toward Who-The-Hell-Knows
Brief Summary: ”
I don’t know that I’m ready to write much else since the thing I posted other day, but maybe I’m”

08-Nov-2024 – Democratic Governor Warns Trump Not To ‘Come For My People’ In Impassioned Tweet
Brief Summary: “After Donald Trump was elected to a second term, Illinois Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker issued a”

08-Nov-2024 – Tony Blair Institute reports on AI in the labor market — using numbers they made up with GPT-4. Again.
Brief Summary: “The Tony Blair Institute has issued another encyclical on the fabulous AI future: “The Impact of AI “

08-Nov-2024 – What You Should Know About Climate Change Under Trump!
Brief Summary: “Wind energy then and now. Photo by Mark König on UnsplashHere’s a data point to keep in mind as we p”

08-Nov-2024 – To Unfuck Politics, Create More Union Members
Brief Summary: “An enlightened citizen. (Photo: Getty)The election went bad and now we are in the time when everyone”

08-Nov-2024 – Warner Bros CEO Zaslav Sees Big Opportunity For More Pointless Media Consolidation Under Trump 2.0
Brief Summary: “We’ve well established that the AT&T–>Time Warner–>Discovery series of media mergers were some of th”
Josh Miller aka “Ramen Junkie”. I write about my various hobbies here. Mostly coding, photography, and music. Sometimes I just write about life in general. I also post sometimes about toy collecting and video games at – Ramen Junkie 2024-11-09 21:13:00
This may be the stupidest #Windows11 thing ever. This Bluetooth connect dialog box, doesn't work with a keyboard at all. The scan doesn't see the mouse until it's unplugged, but when I plug it in to select, it turns off the Bluetooth on the mouse. So I can't add it, unless I dig out another mouse.おにぎり (Onigiri) aka, “Rice Balls”
I’ve been doing some experimenting recently making おにぎり (Onigiri) aka, “rice balls”. I’ve been taking it very literally as being a ball and have not added any Nori wrapping yet. I’ve been just sticking with variations of tuna and mayo that I read about online. It’s a pretty simple and easy dish to make, and I end up with enough for 2-3 meals from one batch, which is nice. Cook a cup (uncooked) or rice int he rice maker, dump it in a bowl with a can or two of tuna, spoon some mayo in, add whatever flavoring I want to try out, use an ice cream scoop to drop them onto a plate in “ball form”, and stick them in the fridge for an hour to cool.
Technically speaking, the ball part is kind of optional, but it feels “fancy” and makes them work really well with chopsticks.
Also, prepare for a bunch of images that all mostly look the same!
The first go at it was very basic, literally just tuna, mayo, white rice, and some teriyaki sauce. I didn’t have any soy sauce, so I figured the teriyaki would be close enough. They actually came out pretty tasty.

For Round 2, I invested in some proper soy sauce, and added some garlic to them.

I mixed it up again for round three, sticking with the soy sauce, but this time adding some curry powder to the mix. These were probably my favorite of all the flavors I have tested so far.

My last attempt was much less great.

For the 4th try, I had some Hoisin sauce floating around and decided to see how it would fare. The result wasn’t awful, but it was just kind of flavorless. Like very vaguely sweet maybe. This sauce also gave the rice balls a slightly more gooey consistency, so they didn’t stick together in ball form quite as well, which made them annoying to eat.
Josh Miller aka “Ramen Junkie”. I write about my various hobbies here. Mostly coding, photography, and music. Sometimes I just write about life in general. I also post sometimes about toy collecting and video games at
2024.11.08 – Code Project – Python – Improved FreshRSS Link Lists
Today, I want to talk about recent improvements I have made on my FreshRSS to WordPress Digest Python script. And to make a note on what I would like to do next.
This is the script I used to produce these Link List Posts on [Blogging Intensifies] and Lameazoid. The Github Repository for it is here.
- The first version was simple, it pulled from the sharded feed of FreshRSS, collected favorited articles, formatted them a bit, then posted a wordpress post of links.
- Overtime, I wanted these posts to be prettier, so I added a bit more massaging to the formatting, and some HTML code so the links would show up in pretty little formatted boxes. I also decided some sort of summary would be useful, so it pulls the first 100 words or so from a feed item as a teaser.
- Initially I was using the main share feed from FreshRSS, but I have two blogs, each with vague but disting “themes”. Sharing video game news to [BI] felt a bit silly. Not that it matters, no one reads those lists and its mostly for my reference. I found you could narrow things down by personal tags, so altered the Python script to handle any number of configured blogs and now both get seperate link lists.
So, whats new this round?
Not a lot on the externally visible end. A week or so ago, I found that the Raspberry Pi I had running the script on had died on me. Or, more likely, the SD card did. Whatever the case, the script was not running as scheduled. I have always had a bit of a love/hate with the scheduled run. Some days I barely share anything from the reader, so it makes for weird small posts. Also it ran at like, 10:30P, which was kind of late, and occasionally, I found myself rushing to get through everything to make sure I flagged anything relevant, because I was flipping through it at 5 minutes till.
Right now, I am running it manually. And at irregular intervals. This created a new problem, but its one I had already been planning to fix. The way the FreshRSS shared feed works, you can append a number, X, and get “everything in the last X hours.” When it ran on a cronjob schedule every 24 hours, this number was simply, hardcoded at 24.
When manually running things, I needed X to be “however many hours since it last ran.” So now, it writes out a simple file with a time stamp, after each run. It also pulls in that file, and calculated the time difference. If the time difference is less than an hour, it defaults to an hour, because “X=0”, just gives the default feed, which may be everything, or may be the last ten items. I am not sure on the limits. If there isn’t a timestamp file, most likely if its being first run, it sets the hours different to 0, and gets everything.
Something else I added this round, everytime I wanted to do modifications, I needed to comment out some lines and uncomment others, so the script would not spam my blog with the same post over and over. Also, I have a time stamp file now that I don’t want to overwrite when testing, since it will probably stop seeing feed items unless they were marked in the last hour.
So I added a flag variable at the top, and encapsulated the business end output in some conditional statements. Now, when I want to test, I just change the “runmode” variable at the tol to “False”, and it stops posting or editing the time stamp file.
This was also needed for my third new feature. In addition to posting to the blog, it spits everything out into a simple, dated markdown file. This way, I have a private record of everything shared, since a lot of the point is, “I want to keep these links for reference.” Initially I just spit out the post data, but that was ugly since it was full of HTML tags. So It now compiles together a second, markdown formatted, variable, that gets written to the file. Another key difference, in my private files, I dump the entire article, and not just the 100 word summary.
I don’t want to repost entire articles on my blog, its rude and ugly, hence the summary, but for a private archive of text data, dumping it all is preferable. Articles disappear ALL the time, this is literally 100% of why I save and archive shit like this in the first place.
Some changes I still want to make
- Right now it dumps everything into one output file, I may split this across blogs/topics
- Another advantage of the private archive, I can add any number of additional tags to pull, that don’t have to be posted anywhere. I can just, pull them to a text archive. I already have started a recipes tag, for example. I also added a to be used flag in the config for it a feed gets posted anywhere.
- I am kind of down on the idea of AI, but I still may look into hooking the summary function to some sort of AI service to create actual summaries. In my very very vague testing, it had a hard time keeping it short, even when instructed to do so.
- I kind of want to modify the script to also produce a queue of links, then maybe a second script on a schedule that posts any links out of a file on microblogging services like Mastodon.
- I would love to find a way to share links I find elsewhere to FreshRSS or this script.
- I kind of want to find a way to sort and group posts under categories (Music, Coding, Video Games, etc). I have ideas oh how, but they are not all very… Elegant.
- I kind of dislike having the timestamp file, I would like to figure out a way to query the WordPress Blog itself for “The last post marked link list,” and go off of that as the “last run date.”
The “Holy Grail” want, is the ability to add comments to shares. I put in a suggestion on the Github page for a “Notes” feature. I am seriously just considering making my own plug in. This would be super useful for WHY I shared a link. I could use this later in the social sharing queue system as well. The idea would be, as an example, I tag a post for a new CHVRCHES album, then add a little note, “I am super looking forward to this!”, then on the digest, the comment would show up.
Josh Miller aka “Ramen Junkie”. I write about my various hobbies here. Mostly coding, photography, and music. Sometimes I just write about life in general. I also post sometimes about toy collecting and video games at