Fight Club
Chuck Palahniuk
Published: 1996 | Pages:218

Orange Is the New Black
Piper Kerman
Published: 2010 | Pages:322
My Rating: 3/5

Batman: Year One
Frank Miller
Published: 1987 | Pages:144
My Rating: 5/5
While the core story here feels like a Batman Origin story, there isn’t a lot of real mean to it. Instead its a Jim Gordon Origin story that happens to coincide with Batman’s early period.I enjoyed it quite a bit. It covers a one year period when Jim Gordon arrives in Gotham.
Description: The Dark Knight Returns!In 1986, Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli produced this groundbreaking reinterpretation of the origin of Batman—who he is and how he came to be.Written shortly after The Dark Knight Returns, Miller’s dystopian fable of Batman’s final days, Year One set the stage for a new vision of a legendary character.This edition includes the complete graphic novel, a new introduction by writer Frank Miller and a new illustrated afterword by artist David Mazzucchelli. Completing this collection are over 40 pages of never-before-seen developmental material such as character and layout sketches, sample script pages, sketches and more that provide a glimpse into the making of this contemporary classic.This volume collects Batman #404–407.

Batman: The Killing Joke
Alan Moore
Published: 1988 | Pages:50
My Rating: 3/5
Kind of short and the Joker’s origin was lacklister and not particularly insightful.
Description: After shooting and permanently paralyzing his daughter Barbara (a.k.a. Batgirl), the Joker kidnaps the commissioner and attacks his mind in hopes of breaking the man. But refusing to give up, Gordon maintains his sanity with the help of Batman in an effort to beset the madman.

Batman: The Long Halloween
Jeph Loeb
Published: 1997 | Pages:376
My Rating: 5/5

Batman: Hush
Jeph Loeb
Published: 2005 | Pages:320
My Rating: 4/5
Pretty good arc and good pacing and art. overall enjoyable even though it was crazy predictable. The only real complaint I had was that a better title would have Batman vs Red Herrings, because there were WAY too many “fooled you it was someone else” moments.
Description: BATMAN: HUSH is a thrilling mystery of action, intrigue, and deception penned by Jeph Loeb (BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN) and illustrated by comics superstar Jim Lee (ALL STAR BATMAN & ROBIN, THE BOY WONDER) in which Batman sets out to discover the identity of a mysterious mastermind using the Joker, Riddler, Ra’s al Ghul and the Dark Knight’s other enemies – and allies – as pawns in a plan to wreak havoc.This volume collects Batman #609-619 as well as the 6-page segment from Wizard #0 and a 2-page origin story that originally appeared at dccomics.com.

War Crimes (World of Warcraft, #13)
Christie Golden
Published: 2014 | Pages:358
My Rating: 3/5
An OK read, but it spends like 90% of the book walking down memory lane in the trial. Which isn’t really helped by the fact that half of the flashback moments occurred during or just before the current expansion. Basically, its an OK lore catch up but it adds very little that is new.

Rise of the Horde (World of Warcraft, #2)
Christie Golden
Published: 2006 | Pages:368
My Rating: 5/5
Description: Horde, they waged a number of devastating wars against their perennial enemy — the Alliance. Yet the rage and bloodlust that drove the orcs to destroy everything in their path nearly consumed them as well.Long ago, on the idyllic world of Draenor, the noble orc clans lived in relative peace with their enigmatic neighbors, the draenei. But the nefarious agents of the Burning Legion had other plans for both of the unsuspecting races. The demon-lord Kil’jaeden set in motion a dark chain of events that would succeed not only in eradicating the draenei, but forging the orc clans into an single, unstoppable juggernaut of hatred and destruction.

Lord of the Clans (WarCraft, #2)
Christie Golden
Published: 2001 | Pages:278
My Rating: 5/5
An extremely enjoyable read. The events of this book follow the birth and rise of Thrall as Warchief of the Horde and end just beforebwhat would be the start of the Warcraft 3 video game.

Getting Started with RFID: Identify Objects in the Physical World with Arduino (Make: Projects)
Tom Igoe
Published: 2011 | Pages:40

CSS Cookbook
Christopher Schmitt
Published: 2004 | Pages:544

Vol’jin: Shadows of the Horde (World of Warcraft, #12)
Michael A. Stackpole
Published: 2013 | Pages:320
My Rating: 4/5
A pretty good read that gives some nice background on Vol’jin to help in leading up to his new position in the Horde.
Description: Aided by the renowned brewmaster Chen Stormstout, Vol’jin takes refuge in a remote mountain monastery to recover from his wounds. His time there, however, is far from peaceful, as intense visions of the past assault the Darkspear chieftain, and the ancient Zandalari tribe mounts a series of attacks on Pandaria. In his struggle to make sense of what’s happening, Vol’jin must ultimately decide where his allegiances lay—a choice that could save or doom his people . . . and forever alter the fate of the Horde.
Josh Miller aka “Ramen Junkie”. I write about my various hobbies here. Mostly coding, photography, and music. Sometimes I just write about life in general. I also post sometimes about toy collecting and video games at Lameazoid.com.