Tuesday 2024-10-08 – Link List
Blogging Intensifies Link List for Tuesday 2024-10-08

08-Oct-2024 – Buckminster Fuller Dome Home in Carbondale, Illinois
Brief Summary: ” Considered one of the great inventors and architectural minds of the 20th century, R. Buckminster F”

08-Oct-2024 – Gacha Policy Changes for 2024: What You Need to Know
Brief Summary: “We’re excited to announce an important update to our policy regarding the use of gachas and similar “

08-Oct-2024 – Use an External GPU on Raspberry Pi 5 for 4K Gaming
Brief Summary: “Use an External GPU on Raspberry Pi 5 for 4K Gaming
After I saw Pineboards 4K Pi 5 exte”

08-Oct-2024 – Hacked ‘AI Girlfriend’ Data Shows Prompts Describing Child Sexual Abuse
Brief Summary: ”
This article contains descriptions of sexual violence and child abuse.A hacker has targeted a webs”

08-Oct-2024 – Running Game Boy Games On STM32 MCUs is Peanuts
Brief Summary: “Using a STM32F429 Discovery board [Jan Zwiener] put together a Game Boy-compatible system called STM”

08-Oct-2024 – How to say “ouch” in 20 languages
Brief Summary: “It might feel like you have no control over the sound you make when you stub your toe—but in fact, h”
Josh Miller aka “Ramen Junkie”. I write about my various hobbies here. Mostly coding, photography, and music. Sometimes I just write about life in general. I also post sometimes about toy collecting and video games at Lameazoid.com.