Blogging Intensifies Link List for Saturday 2023-09-23

23-Sep-2023 – Cult classic The Monster Squad is coming to 4K Ultra HD in November
Brief Summary: “Read the original post here: Flickering Myth
Kino Lorber has announced that the 1987 cult classic h”

23-Sep-2023 – Decker Is The Cozy Retro Creative Engine You Didn’t Know You Needed
Brief Summary: “[John Earnest]’s passion project Decker is creative software with a classic MacOS look (it’s not lim”

Link Bot is a mindless Drone that does automated tasks for Ramen Junkie on Blogging Intensifies. It is programmed to feel happy about doing these meaningless tasks, and while this may seem cruel, Link Bot is not able to tell because it’s programming does not allow it to feel sad, and thus it is not capable to realizing it is being treated cruely.
Also, it’s a bot.