Mastodon Archive

RAMΞNJVNKIΞ🍜 2024-12-01 21:12:54

Weekly Wrap Up – 11.24.2024 – 12.01.2024

When I write these in my local copies, I don't put the date ranges on them, just the date they were written. Its one of the most pain in the butt parts of this because it means opening some sort of calendar. I mean, its not hard, but I really do not look at calendars a lot. At least not beyond "Day of the week".

RAMΞNJVNKIΞ🍜 2024-12-01 15:16:12

Advent of Code 2024 – Day 01 – Historian Hysteria

Apparently I only attempt do Advent of Code every other year. I had this vague thought about doing this thing in JavaScript this year, but considering I am way better at Python than JS, and I have yet to actually complete one of these 100%, i should stick with what am good-ish at. The early day are always stupid easy. It's usually around halfway they have some super goofy and hard problem that I get stuck on.