Aye, my signed Vicious Creature #Vinyl came.
Ironically, I was listening to Sorry, Etc, when I went outside and noticed it in the mailbox.
#LaurenMayberry #Music
Over the New Years holiday, after a failed attempt at Tripoley, we switched to a game called Kazinga. Funny enough, like Tripoley, it also uses chips, though not for betting. Thats about the extent of the similarities though. The game it primarily about dice rolling, though there are some…
2024 Duolingo Wrap-Up
Hola, Soy Ramen. Pero no la comida, se llama Ramen, en el internet. Apredio Espanol por michos anos ahora. Probablemente is muy mala, pero intentando. Esta entrada del blog es mi "2024 Duolingo Wrap Up." Donde escribo sobre mi progreso usando Duolingo por el ano passado.…
My Music Listening Habbits for 2024
I have to admit, this is my own personal favorite post for each year, even if no one else cares. Q look back on my music listening for the year, and how it has, or has not changed or evolved, and a round of trying to make predictions, and then working to not…