RAMΞNJVNKIΞ🍜 2024-12-05 21:14:18

Advent of Code 2024 – Day 05 – Print Queue

Well, it's an easy and hard-ish day. I kind of hate the part 2s on these because they are almost always annoying. It was a bit more interesting on the input because it was a two part input. I'm still getting weird empty spaces at the end too, which I have just been trimming with a .pop(), but that's a bit sloppy.


RAMΞNJVNKIΞ🍜 2024-12-04 19:45:19

Spotify Wrapped 2024

I usually do a more detailed music post just after the new year based on my Last.fm, which is more reliable, but today is Spotify Wrapped Day, so I figured I'd share them here, for posterity. Not much surprising here, other than somehow I have two Lauren Mayberry tracks at my top two tracks, and she isn't in my Top 5 artists list.


RAMΞNJVNKIΞ🍜 2024-12-04 19:36:55

Advent of Code 2024 – Part 04 – Ceres Search

Weee, the first real "pain in the ass" day and it's only day 4! Ok, it wasn't awful, I had the right idea, for the most part. I wanted to do something better for Part 2, but it wasn't working out, but I'll get there. For this puzzle, you get a blog of text with the letters of XMAS in them, randomly, scattered.
