December 2024
RAMΞNJVNKIΞ🍜 2024-12-03 17:30:32
Advent of Code 2024 – Day 03 – Mull it Over
This was so much easier than yesterday, since I wasn't splitting my focus between trying to be clever and trying to write shitty code. Day 03's problem involved digging through a block of "corrupted code" to pull out important and usable data. I ended up forcing myself to use the logical method here, and built a Regex string. Despite that I write a lot of simple scripts to process and convert data for automation, I don't… – Ramen Junkie 2024-12-03 17:30:00
Advent of Code 2024 – Day 03 – Mull it Over This was so much easier than yesterday, since I wasn't splitting my focus between trying to be clever and trying to write shitty code. Day 03's problem involved digging through a block of "corrupted code" to pull out important and usable data. I ended up… of Code 2024 – Day 03 – Mull it Over
This was so much easier than yesterday, since I wasn’t splitting my focus between trying to be clever and trying to write shitty code.
Day 03’s problem involved digging through a block of “corrupted code” to pull out important and usable data. I ended up forcing myself to use the logical method here, and built a Regex string. Despite that I write a lot of simple scripts to process and convert data for automation, I don’t really use Regex ever. It’s been something I keep telling myself to do and use and learn better. A lot of these challenges are actually greatly helped if you use Regex searches.
So that’s what I did.
I found this online Regex builder/tester, stuck the sample code into it, and went to work until I got what I intended out of it. I learned two things.
- Adding a * to “find a digit of any size” only sometimes works, and in this case, using “+” was better.
- You can search on multiple strings using a pipe ( | )
Once I had the Regex working and I extracted all of the valid “mul(###,###)” instances, I used a second Regex search, mostly for practice, to extract the digits from each.
Then part two added an on off trigger. Which was fairly simple to add in, except that I left my first Regex statement in the code, for posterity, but forgot to actually use the new one, so I was getting the same answer twice.
Anyway, here is the code.
import re
with open("Day03Input.txt") as file:
data =
rxstring = "mul\(\d+,\d+\)"
rxstring2 = "mul\(\d+,\d+\)|do\(\)|don't\(\)"
total = 0
total2 = 0
enabler = True
def multiplier(a,b):
return int(a)*int(b)
valid = re.findall(rxstring2,data)
for each in valid:
# print(each)
if "don't()" in each:
enabler = False
elif "do()" in each:
enabler = True
digits = re.findall('\d+',each)
value = multiplier(digits[0],digits[1])
total += value
if enabler:
total2 += value
#Part1 - 179571322
#Part2 - 103811193
Josh Miller aka “Ramen Junkie”. I write about my various hobbies here. Mostly coding, photography, and music. Sometimes I just write about life in general. I also post sometimes about toy collecting and video games at