Soy Ramen. Pero no la comida, se llama Ramen, en el internet. Apredio Espanol por michos anos ahora. Probablemente is muy mala, pero intentando.
Esta entrada del blog es mi “2024 Duolingo Wrap Up.” Donde escribo sobre mi progreso usando Duolingo por el ano passado. Senti que una buena idea escribir en español. Pero no estoy tan seguro.

Solamente hago mejor si intento. Mi estilo de escribo es no muy bueno por traducer en espanol. Esta demaciado …. rambling.
I don’t know what rambling is in Spanish… I could translate it, and I have been sort of using a translator, but I kind of want to stick to works I know that I have learned and know already. Oh look, another rambling long run on sentence.
Anyway, maybe I should start making some actual written notes to help drive the learning in a bit more.
Does that metaphor even work in Spanish? “Conducir esta en mas” says it translates to “Driving is on the rise”. Not quite the same meaning as “Driving it in more”.
Mandar en mas? Maybe? It doesn’t need the “esta”, I don’t know why I though ot needed an “esta.”
Idiomas son difíciles.
Josh Miller aka “Ramen Junkie”. I write about my various hobbies here. Mostly coding, photography, and music. Sometimes I just write about life in general. I also post sometimes about toy collecting and video games at Lameazoid.com.