Fixing my CHIP

chiplogoI mentioned getting my CHIPs from NextThing aq bit ago, but I have not really done much with them. I noticed a bit of an issue keeping them powered when I set them up and assumed I had been using a power supply that wasn’t ideal. I believe it was the one off of the Chromecast on the TV, just because it was handy. It turns out, this is not the case, there is actually an issue with the software of the CHIPs that have shipped so far. I don’t beleive it affects all of them but it’s probably a good idea to update anyway.

It’s a pretty simple process, you can review the boot repair process here. The main issue you may have is that it requires you be running Ubuntu (or really just Linux). You can get a live image and load it using a USB drive though, and being familiar with Linux is useful for working with the CHIP itself since, it runs Linux.

I’m already running Ubuntu on my Laptop, so no issues for me there, my issue was actually getting something to short the pins for FEL mode. I didn’t have any breadboard wires handy at the time. I tried a paperclip as suggested but it was too large to stick in the pin holes. Instead I found a piece of wire to strip off. The point is, almost any melat strip would work to conduct between the pins.

You may also want to try flashing the whole image. Details on this process can be found on the NextThing’s website. It’s the same basic process of fixing the boot but you need to do more work yourself instead of just running a pre made fix app.

I’ve been trying to find some good plans and ideas for my CHIPs. There are some good ideas listed here.

I wanted to try turn a USB camera into a Streaming camera, but I can’t locate any of the USB cameras I used to have.

This Web and Bluetooth Sniffing device seemed neat, though once I started looking at it it looks more like it just tracks Wireless APs in the area, I’m more interested in building a network monitor.

This homemade Amazon Echo clone is pretty neat, and seems like an interesting project to work on that involves some hardware set up as well as software.

Microsoft’s Windows Remote Arduino Experience Test

I found a couple of Arduino apps in the Windows 10 App store recently, both put out by Microsoft.  There is an app that allows your Windows Phone to act as a virtual shield for an Arduino board which I ave not tried yet, but I set up and ran a quick test of the second app which lets you remotely trigger and monitor the pin inputs and outputs.

I set up a simple circuit with some LEDs on pins 2, 3, and 4, and toggle them from my desktop using the app.  There isn’t any special code needed for this, the Sketch used is the StandardFirmata sketch listed in the Arduino app under the example sketches.

There doesn’t seem to be a lot more that can be done with this app.  As far as I can tell, it’s not really set up for any sort of customizing such as naming the triggers or causing any sort of action to be taken when a trigger is activated on the Arduino (such as pressing a button to open a URL).

There is some additional information available from Microsoft about setting up Visual Studio to build Arduino projects but I have not tested it yet, I actually have run into an error in Visual Studio when trying to load the projects.

CHIP – the $8 Computer

CHIPS!I just want to start here by saying CHIP is kind of a shitty name for a computer thing, there is no effective way to do any sort of search for “Chip computer” since “computer chip” has been a thing for eternity and gives the same results. This thing really needs a re-branding or something.

I’m also not entirely sure it’s still an $8 computer, It looks like they are charging $9 now on their website, and there is shipping costs involved.

Anyway, I’ve received two of these cheap computers from my Kickstarter contribution. I have a third one coming in 4-6 months that will include a VGA adapter. For some reason all of the peripherals are delayed. I wanted to get a December release CHIP and they offered the option to buy more once the Kickstarter ended, so I ended up with two.

CHIP is essentially a micro computer in the vein of the Raspberry Pi, though it’s more like a Pi Zero than the larger models. The main advantage the CHIP has over the Pi Zero is that it has built in WiFi and Bluetooth.

I’m not entirely sure what I want to do with these yet, though I have some ideas. They are almost as cheap as my Arduino clones (probably cheaper once I add WiFi to an Arduino), and they have a slightly more versatile interface since it’s running Debian Linux. It would be really simple to add a basic web server to this device.

The board itself seems sturdy enough. It comes in a plastic cradle that covers the bottom and three of the 4 ports are on one end which is convenient. There is a normal USB port, a micro USB for power, and a headphone style jack that has an A/V breakout cable to hook it to a monitor and speakers. The molex style battery connector is on the opposite end. The base set up only has composite output for video, the breakout cable gives you a standard Red, Yellow, White set of hook ups.

CHIP Desktop

I hooked both of my CHIPS to a TV so I could easily connect each to the WiFi in my house. Once they are online the video isn’t really necessary since I can SSH to them over the network using Putty.

On a side note, the default SSH log in information is username: root, password: chip .

I have not done much else with it yet, but it’s a nifty little device. I have a vague idea of building a Podcast radio for my car out of one with some push button controls but I have not checked if there is a CLI based podcatcher available, or even a CLI based audio player I could tie push button commands to.

Pushing Arduino Data to MySQL via PHP Part 2: The Server

tempdataIn the last post, I talked about how to send data from the Arduino to the MySQL server.

Today, I’ll cover how I’m receiving and displaying that data on the server side.  I’ll put the code for the webpages into this post but I’ll put everything together in a nice little package at the end of everything.  I mentioned last post that the end trick was to let the server worry about processing the data instead of the Arduino.  I’m running this on my NAS but it could be run on any standard web server with PHP and SQL.

For the purposes of this code, I’ve placed the files in a directory called “temps” on the root of the web server.  If you want to put them elsewhere, such as “temperaturelog” or “home/temps” or wherever, you’d need to alter the code of the Arduino in the previous points to replace the temps directory with the directory you plan to use.  I’m going to assume that the reader has a basic LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack style server and knows the basics of how to create databases and run things on it.  If not you can Google the basic set up, though I may do a quick write up and reference it here eventually.

You’ll need to create a database called “housetemps” and import the linked structure file into it.  (If you know what you’re doing in PHP you can rename housetemps)   This will create a table int he database called “temperature” with the following columns: id, event, sensor, celsius, humidity, datestamp.  This will give you the basic structure needed to run the php code on the server.  A quick rundown of what these values are used for…

  • id – A standard auto incriminating id value for SQL
  • event – Time and date of when the event happened
  • sensor – A text based identifier for each probe.  This example uses one probe but could be altered for more.
  • celsius – The temperature reading, it doesn’t actually have to be Celsius, that’s just the default of the probe.
  • humidity – Humidity reading in percent humidity
  • datestamp – A date only time stamp, used for sorting the data when you review it later.

Now that you have the core database structure set up, the server needs to know the credentials for connecting to the database.  Since this is used by several files, it’s best to put the info in it’s own file and use an include statement int he PHP to add it.

In the “temps” directory create a file dbconnect.php and add int he following code, changing the values listed for the values used when setting up the database…

$MyUsername = “USERNAME”;  // enter your username for mysql
$MyPassword = “PASSWORD”;  // enter your password for mysql
$MyHostname = “localhost”;      // this is usually “localhost” unless your database resides on a different server

$dbh = mysql_pconnect($MyHostname , $MyUsername, $MyPassword);
$selected = mysql_select_db(“housetemps”,$dbh);

Next you’ll need a way to get data into the table.  This is done using add_data.php, which is called by the Arduino in the code shown previously.

Make a file in the “temps” directory called add_data.php, and add the following code.

// Connect to MySQL

$dateget = date(“Y-m-d”);
// Prepare the SQL statement
$SQL = “INSERT INTO housetemps.temperature (sensor ,celsius, humidity, datestamp) VALUES (‘”.$_GET[“serial”].”‘, ‘”.$_GET[“temperature”].”‘, ‘”.$_GET[“humid”].”‘, ‘$dateget’)”;

// Execute SQL statement

// Go to the review_data.php (optional)
header(“Location: review_data.php”);

The code is pretty straight forward. The first section includes our previously created log on credentials.  The last section forwards the page on to review the data.  The meat is in the middle with the SQL statement.  The line $dateget = date(“Y-m-d”); creates a Year-Month-Day date for sorting later.  The next line creates the SQL query using variables passed via the url, the third part executes this query adding the data to the database.

The final piece of this whole thing is the review_data.php file.  This file displays the results in a nice looking table.

// Start MySQL Connection

<title>Arduino Temperature Log</title>
<style type=”text/css”>
.table_titles, .table_cells_odd, .table_cells_even {
padding-right: 20px;
padding-left: 20px;
color: #000;
.table_titles {
color: #FFF;
background-color: #666;
.table_cells_odd {
background-color: #CCC;
.table_cells_even {
background-color: #FAFAFA;
table {
border: 2px solid #333;
body { font-family: “Trebuchet MS”, Arial; }

<h1>Arduino Temperature Log</h1>

<p>Select Date:

$sql = “SELECT DISTINCT datestamp FROM temperature”;
$result = mysql_query($sql);

echo “<select name=’datestamp’ onchange=’location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'”;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$current = $row[‘datestamp’];
echo “<option value=’review_data.php?dateselect=$current’>$current</option>”;
echo “</select>”;

<table border=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”4″>
<!–    <td class=”table_titles”>ID</td> –>
<td class=”table_titles”>Date and Time</td>
<td class=”table_titles”>Sensor Serial</td>
<td class=”table_titles”>Temperature in Celsius</td>
<td class=”table_titles”>Percent Humidity</td>
// Retrieve all records and display them
$SQL = “SELECT * FROM temperature WHERE datestamp LIKE ‘”.$_GET[“dateselect”].”%’ ORDER BY id ASC”;

//Execute the SQL
$result = mysql_query($SQL);

// Used for row color toggle
$oddrow = true;

// process every record
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) )
if ($oddrow)
$css_class=’ class=”table_cells_odd”‘;
$css_class=’ class=”table_cells_even”‘;

$oddrow = !$oddrow;

echo ‘<tr>’;
//       echo ‘   <td’.$css_class.’>’.$row[“id”].'</td>’;
echo ‘   <td’.$css_class.’>’.$row[“event”].'</td>’;
echo ‘   <td’.$css_class.’>’.$row[“sensor”].'</td>’;
echo ‘   <td’.$css_class.’>’.$row[“celsius”].'</td>’;
echo ‘   <td’.$css_class.’>’.$row[“humidity”].'</td>’;
echo ‘</tr>’;

The core of this file was lifted from the previously mentioned guide on Tweaking4All.  The problem I had with their results was that it simply displayed an endless list.  I am polling every 15 minutes, so this list tends to grow unwieldy very quickly.  This is where the datestamp marker comes into play.  I added this little chunk of code at the top of the table.


$sql = “SELECT DISTINCT datestamp FROM temperature”;
$result = mysql_query($sql);

echo “<select name=’datestamp’ onchange=’location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'”;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$current = $row[‘datestamp’];
echo “<option value=’review_data.php?dateselect=$current’>$current</option>”;
echo “</select>”;

This creates a menu based on unique values of datestamp.  Selecting a value forwards you to review_data.php with a date attached, then review_data.php only shows data that matches that datestamp.  This allows a single day to be viewed easily.  In the future I may add a bit more to this menu, eventually, the list of dates will also become unwieldy in length.  I also plan to run numerous sensors at once with different names so I’ll likely also add a second menu so the list can be sorted down by sensor name.

I’m also looking to add a bit more functionality to the code in the form of a graph, so it will be easier to see trend lines in the data.  The data I have now is from my office, in a well insulated basement room, so the trend lines are rather boring, but when there are several sensors in different rooms in the main area of the house, or even outside, this data becomes more interesting and useful.  I’ll go into this at a later day though…



Pushing Arduino Data to MySQL via PHP

Arduino+EthernetThis is part of my little ongoing project of learning with the Arduino.  I want to give a mention to Tweaking4all’s guide to PHP, SQL and Arduino, because I started out using it as a base for this section of the project, though I altered a few parts to work with my sensors and Ethernet board.  That guide definitely pointed me in the right direction and made me realize just how simple it would be to actually push data to the server.

My initial approach to the problem was that I needed the Arduino to run some SQL queries and interact directly with the database and insert readings and other variables.  In the end, all I needed was a PHP file on the server to interact with the database, and the proper call from the Arduino to the PHP file.

I started out with basic code to dump dummy data (ie not variables) to a database running on my laptop.  I couldn’t get UIPEthernet linked int he Tweaking4all guide to work so I just used the default Arduino Ethernet libraries.  I also simplified the code down to one probe, though adding more temperature probes will be trivial.  After I managed to get the dummy data to post reliably, I moved on to adding variables in place of the dummy values.  Once again, I couldn’t get the OneWire library to load properly and work with my senors, so I went back to the basic DHT-11 library that I knew work.  This actually simplified things considerably, I used the same calls I had done previously in testing and instead of pushing them directly tot he serial port, I dumped them to some variables which are then passed to the SQL statement.

I also added variables and functions to read Humidity, since he original article doesn’t have humidity readings included.

The final hurdle I came across, for some reason, the delay() function wasn’t working properly.  I set it to poll every 15 minutes (in milliseconds) but it never posted a new update beyond the initial one when powered on.  If I tried a shorter interval, such as 5 minutes (in ms), I got new readings every 30 seconds or so.   In the end, I used a better method of handling time with currentmills.  This reads the current number of milliseconds since the last reading.  By reading currentmills and comparing it to the last reading “time” I can verify if it’s been 15 minutes since the last reading.  This method is not super precise and has some play on interval but I’m not doing anything requiring perfect timing with this project.

In the end, I ended up with the following code for the Arduino:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h> // Used for Ethernet
#include “dht.h”

dht DHT;

#define DHT11_PIN 5

// Arduino Uno pins: 10 = CS, 11 = MOSI, 12 = MISO, 13 = SCK
// Ethernet MAC address – must be unique on your network – MAC Reads T4A001 in hex (unique in your network)
byte mac[] = { 0x54, 0x34, 0x41, 0x30, 0x30, 0x31 };
// For the rest we use DHCP (IP address and such)

EthernetClient client;
char server[] = “SERVERIP“; // IP Adres (or name) of server to dump data to
int  interval = 360000; // Wait between dumps
unsigned long previousMillis=0;

void setup() {


Serial.println(“RamenJunkie’s Ethernet Temperature Probe based on Tweaking4All Probe”);
Serial.print(“IP Address        : “);
Serial.print(“Subnet Mask       : “);
Serial.print(“Default Gateway IP: “);
Serial.print(“DNS Server IP     : “);

void loop() {

unsigned long currentMillis=millis();

if((currentMillis – previousMillis) > 900000)
Serial.print(“DHT11, \t”);
int chk = DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN);
switch (chk)
Serial.print(“Checksum error,\t”);
Serial.print(“Time out error,\t”);
Serial.print(“Unknown error,\t”);

// if you get a connection, report back via serial:
if (client.connect(server, 80)) {
Serial.println(“-> Connected”);
// Make a HTTP request:
client.print( “GET /temps/add_data.php?”);
client.print( “Probe1” );
//      client.print(“88”);
//      client.print(“88″);
client.println( ” HTTP/1.1″);
client.print( “Host: ” );
client.println( “Connection: close” );
else {
// you didn’t get a connection to the server:
Serial.println(“–> connection failed/n”);


Serial.print(”  “);


A few notes to anyone wanting to try to use this.

  • You will need to set the server IP to the IP of your database.
  • You can alter the time interval between readings with the interval variable as well.
  • If you plan to use more than one Arduino probe (which you can), you’ll want to change the MAC address settings.  it can be any MAC value really since you’re just assigning it manually but having multiple devices with the same MAC will cause issues.  I’d recommend simply increasing the last value (31) by one.
  • You can change the line “client.print( “Probe1″ );” to name the probe whatever you want.  The original code read serial numbers but I’m not sure if DHT-11 handles serial numbers or not.  I’d also recommend changing it if you run more than one Arduino probe to the same database.

This will create basic output from the Arduino.  The other half of this is to set up a server running SQL to receive the data, but I’ll cover that in the next entry.  I based it off the code linked above in Tweaking4all but altered it to take in the Humidity as well as allow for viewing individual dates.